Tug of War
Date: Sunday 19th May 2024
Location: QE2 Recreation Ground, Blackfield
Time: 11:30 – 16:00
Attendance: All New Forest Solent District members, Beavers, Cubs & Scouts
Parking: Public car park
Organiser: 6th New Forest Solent – Sue Phelps
Contact details:
Kit list:
- Sports wear
- Suitable footwear
- Packed lunch and drink
- Group neckerchief
- Money for BBQ/snacks
Details: Teams to register by 12:15. Parents are asked to stay for the duration of the event.
Entry Rules for Beavers
1) Age 6-8 on the day (list of team members with DOB’s must be handed in to the judge when booking in).
2) Teams to consist of 6 plus 2 reserves.
3) There will be no strict rules about keeping the original & team members through the tournament. However, only & medals will be presented to the winning team, if any more are required then the winning colony will have to supply their own.
4) No studded footwear to be worn.
5) Beavers can and should wear gloves.
6) A maximum of 2 pulling coaches will be allowed in the pulling area.
Entry Rules for Cubs
1) Age 8-10.6 on the day (list of team members with DOB’s must be handed in to the judge when booking in).
2) Teams to consist of 6 plus 2 reserves.
3) The team of 6 cannot be changed during the best of 3 pulls unless a member is injured and the judges give permission. After a pull has taken place the team may replace up to 2 members with their reserves but keeping a maximum of 6 on the rope.
4) No studded footwear to be worn.
5) Cubs can and should wear gloves.
6) A maximum of 1 pulling coach will be allowed in the pulling area.
Entry Rules for Scouts
1) Age 10.6 – 14.6 on the day (list of team members with DOB’s must be handed in to the judge when booking in).
2) Teams to consist of 6 plus 2 reserves.
3) The team of 6 cannot be changed during the best of 3 pulls unless a member is injured and the judges give permission. After a pull has taken place the team may replace up to 2 members with their reserves but keeping a maximum of 6 on the rope.
4) No studded footwear to be worn.
5) Scouts can and should wear gloves.
6) A maximum of 1 pulling coach will be allowed in the pulling area.
Tournament Rules
1) Tournament will be on a league basis.
2) Each contest will be the best of 3 pulls. Winner gets 2 points, loser 0.
3) Judge’s decision is final.
4) Have fun and enjoy the afternoon.