Hythe Boating information

Hythe Boating guidance (full pdf)

Boating Area – These areas act as a basic guide, they may be changed to suit the needs of the session or to de-conflict between different boating activities.
Area 1 (Red) – Inshore/Beach

This is the most inshore of the boating areas, may be used for Swimming / Kayaking / Rowing however care should be taken for other water users. It is not appropriate to use this area whilst other areas are being utilised for sailing, as it blocks access for safety craft to the beach and increases risk of impact with sailing boats.
Area 2 (Green) – Main sailing area
Standard sailing and boating area to be used under normal conditions. At least 1 safety boat should be present, and remain in this area whilst it is in use.
Area 3 (Blue) – Extended Sailing Area
If enough qualified/permitted leaders are available the basic boating area may be extended. This size area would normally require 2 x safety boat to patrol however this could be relaxed dependant on conditions. This area is not suitable in heavy weather. A robust means of communication between safety boat and shore should be in place.
Area 4 (Orange) – Creek
To be used at high tide by kayaks only. A qualified instructor/permitted leader must be present to permit activities in the creek. Special consideration should be given to the specific scientific interest of this area.
Area 5 – Out of areas/expeditions
Suitable communications and safety plans should be in place before exiting the pre-designated areas. Only qualified instructors who are permitted
under scout regulations have the experience level required to authorise an out of areas trip.

Due care and attention should be paid to weather conditions, should the wind be in excess of a force 3 then a reef in mainsails is required. Should the wind be in excess of a force 4 then serious consideration should be given to the risk to benefit balance of conducting sailing. Sailing should not be attempted in Force 5 and above.