Hythe Sea Scouts is an extremely successful group based on Southampton Water, supporting over 100 young people in 5 sections weekly. We aim to allow as many people to join as is safely and logistically possible however our group currently runs at capacity and therefore we strictly adhere to the following admission policy.
Those wishing to join the group should sign up to our waiting list linked below against the relevant section. The list is held on Online Scout Manager which we use to manage admin. New members are selected from the waiting list when a space becomes available in this order of priority:
1: (Automatic) Children of uniformed leaders and Trustee Board members. Note: Adults must have completed their initial training, be CRB checked and confirmed in a role before a place is given.
2: (Automatic) Children moving up from the previous section (Squirrels/Beavers/Cubs/Scouts) within our Group.
3: (Automatic) Children who already have a sibling within the group.
4: Children who have moved to Hythe from beyond the SO45 postcode, where 4th NFS Hythe is the nearest Group, and who were immediately prior to their move members of a Scout Group.
5: The child who has been longest on the waiting list, providing they will have at least a year in the section.
6: A child wishing to transfer from another Group within the District providing they notify their Section Leader beforehand that they wish to transfer.
Note 1: There is no preferential treatment for children of any gender/age/race etc. The decision on timing of admission rests with the Section Leader concerned. There may be exceptional circumstances where the Section Leader may at their discretion vary this policy, this must be agreed with the Group Scout Leader before a place is offered/refused.
Note 2: There is no difference in admission policy for prospective members who may have disabilities or additional needs and they are activity encouraged to join the group. Where practicalities require a parent/guardian may be asked to support by the section leader as a condition of entry.

4 - 6 years
Waiting list currently limited to those aged 3 & younger.

6-8 years
We appologies this section is currently at capacity.

8-10½ years
We appologies this section is currently at capacity.

10½-14 years
We appologies this section is currently at capacity.

14 - 18 years
Waiting list currently availible.
We are a Group of volunteers and welcome new adults to join our Group, if you are interested in joining our rewarding team we would like to hear from you, please drop us an email.
You probably have some questions and we have a list of answers to hopefully cover your quieries, Parent FAQ, Leader FAQ, Shop.