Thursday evenings during term times, between 16:20 – 17:20

Tuesday evenings during term times, between 17:30 – 18:45

Monday evenings during term times, between 18:30 – 20:30

Thursday evenings during term times, between 19:00 – 21:00

Tuesday evenings during term times, between 19:30 – 21:30

We want to ensure your Young Person is going to enjoy their time Scouting so we offer a month taster for free and then they will be invested into the Section, once invested a monthly direct debit of £15 will be required for Squirrel, Beaver and Cubs sections.
Sea Scouts & Explorers both require a monthly direct debit of £17. This addition includes the boating fee through the year.

At times investitures can be delayed slightly due to term times and programme of the section. The Section Leader will confirm details and when payments will start.

Membership is taken monthly by direct debt via our OSM admin system.
Event/camp costs vary and are paid online using our secure OSM system.

Check out our shop for details

Our group colour (blue & green) neckerchief can be bought from our section leaders.

Scouting section tops can be bought from the scout store online or local stores like SkoolKit in Totton.

Sea Scout hats can be purchased at a cheaper rate from the group than online.

From our joining page you can see which sections are able to take new members, this can be found from our section pages.

Once the form is submitted one of our section leaders will be on contact.

Please note some of our sections are full and their waiting list is closed or limited.

No unfortunately not, we can only automatically give a child a place in our Group if the parent also joins to be a leader or key volunteer within the Group. 
The Section will still need to be within its ratio of adults to young people.

Please speak to the relevant section leader for details. Contact emails can be found on the section pages.

We take safeguarding of our young people very seriously, every volunteer undertakes mandatory training which includes safeguarding.

Scouting UK have set rules and guidelines which we adhere too.

More information can be found on our Safeguarding page.

All of our leaders and those who help to run the Group are volunteers.
We all give our time for free through the week, evenings and weekends to delivery a fun, enjoyable and rewarding programme. Our payment is seeing our young people develop their life skills and making lasting Scouting memories.

Our group use OSM to manage all Scouting admin including the program & events. If you are on the go and want to check there are two ways to do so:

  1. Visit your childs Scouting section webpage where there is a schedule of the the next events happening
  2. Visit OSM and copy your unique calendar code which you can save to your phone and have all the dates on your calendar. Guidance for this if needed can be found on our OSM help page.